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Thread: Difference of root and standard users

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Difference of root and standard users

    Greetings guys and gals,
    I'm totally new to kali and in need to learn as much as possible for I will be stuck with this OS for the next couple years. I have already done some research on Google and watch videos on youtube but unfortunately, none answered my questions.

    1st question: As a standard user, will I be able to use the program(s) that I have downloaded from root account? Ex. Tor. Do I have to download these programs again on all users? :/
    2nd question: Whenever I download a program via terminal, it doesn't add on my desktop. I couldn't find it anywhere and it doesn't appear anywhere on the application section except the synaptic program.
    What must I do? Any help and advice is much appreciated.

    Ps. Bear with my grammar : ]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sounds like you need to familiarise yourself with Linux as a whole, not just Kali. This is not a general Linux help forum unfortunately.
    If it smells like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck; then it probably is a duck.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Unfortunately Rastamouse is right. This in not a general Linux help forum.
    Some things you HAVE do understand them by your self. At least the basic stuff. Thank God there are millions of webpages with basic and advanced linux examples, commands etc.
    Here is one that I choose randomly:
    Security always begins with personal responsibility. - quietman7

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