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Thread: UP and Down Keys Inserting A B C D Character in Terminal

  1. #1
    Join Date

    UP and Down Keys Inserting A B C D Character in Terminal

    When I tried to use arrow keys + Shift to select text in the terminal, the following characters are being inserted in the editor:
    for ← I get D,
    for → I get C.

    Any suggestion what can be the issue?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    That's actually not a bug. Just normal bash behaviour. I don't know of any way to select and copy displayed text directly, except for some editors (like vim or emacs) where you can do such stuff form the command line.

    Why don't you use your mouse or trackpad?
    In the case you want to simply transfer text from one file (or output) to another you can always work with redirections (cat file1 > file2, or cat file1 >> file2 and so on...

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