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Thread: Beaglebone Black -- Kali Won't Display Boot Screen Through HDMI

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Question Beaglebone Black -- Kali Won't Display Boot Screen Through HDMI


    While I've had good success Kali on Raspberry Pi, I'm struggling to figure out why my Beaglebone Black won't display any output from the HDMI port until the kernel is fully loaded and getty spawns the login prompt. Of course, Angstrom LInux displays everything completely to the console (HDMI port).

    I should mention that those boot messages are appearing on the serial port using the FTDI cable. It's only when the login prompt is displayed, however that the HDMI port displays anything from the OS.

    During boot, there is a Linux penguin displayed on the upper left-hand corner of the screen through the HDMI port.

    Any ideas on how I can get the entire output to display on the HDMI port, would be very appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.

    -- Andy

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Its a small issue, if i was in your place i would not mind about the delay. Nothing is perfect and there might not be a patch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    It's not the delay that I mind. I'm happy I have the serial cable to display boot messages.

    I'd feel better knowing that it's not just me having this issue.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oh, different distros and laptops have all sorts of issues. I used to have Wifislax and the delay was hardcore, it wouldn't show on the tv until it booted to the desktop and it created a second desktop so i had to transfer the programs over haha. HDMI is new so many distros will not fully support it from boot flash

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Would you mind opening a bug? I'm in the process of moving and still getting all of my systems up and running again, and once I do, I'd like to revisit this issue. Please assign it to "threeway" if you do open a bug about this. I believe it's just a matter of having passed the console=ttyO0,115200 to the kernel commandline - if you wouldn't mind, also paste the angstrom (or whatever distro you use that shows up immediately) dmesg output and the dmesg output from the Kali boot?

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