Is it possible to be made script which could use PIN LIST for the half pin1 or for the whole pin with 11 000 possibilitie to imitate original brute-force?
Because there are some routers which start from 1234| and they only change the second half of the PIN
p2_index set to 1
[+] Pin count advanced: 10001. Max pin attempts: 11000
[+] Trying pin 12340002.

[P] WPS Manufacturer: ZTE Corporation
[P] WPS Model Name: ZXHN H118N
[P] WPS Model Number: ZXHN H118N
[P] Access Point Serial Number: 123456789012347

kcdtv: Acknowledging the first M5 is enough to create the fake positive for the first half. Problem here is that this M5 should not exist and totally disable the concept of two stages brute force.