Related im not sure but as one of my longer distance adapters required more power and restarted my n7. I decided id be impatient and make/solder two cables together. One end that plugs into the otg adapter and then into the nexus. One end into a power adapter and the last into the wifi adapter. While i was making it i tried disconnecting the power cables coming from the nexus and just giving power from the wall adapter. As expected it needed the power cables from the nexus also. Measuring the output from the cables i was happy nothing was getting burnt out. And all was good. I suppose the hole point is raingloom how are you connecting your adapter to your n4? And roki you said the alfa card was recognised did you bring the card up? If memory serves me right, ive had other fish to fry recently and havent had the time nethunter deserves i spennd on it. Isnt there an option in the nethunter terminal to enable/disable or bring up an interface. As always im most probably rambling and quite possibly wrong. Hope It helps some how.