Hi fellows and fellowettes some may recognize my usern from various android forums maybe not.

I have the n7 2012 32gb running multi-rom

secondary roms rastapop 5.1, autodroid 4.4.4, and now installing bsznit stock 4.4.4 for another base as nethunter.

Ive been flashing like crazy and have run into some problems.

first off i was on stock 5.0 rooted, i installed multirom and enjoyed flashing smoothrom as a base for nethunter. i then aquired my tp-link wn721n adaptor

wanted to use a kernel that allowed use of another wifi adaptor i had used flash img gui app to flash kernel over the autodroid i had began to use as a base instead of smoothrom and then i could not boot my stock internal rom. i could boot autodroid-nethunter and still access all my data but the kernal was still kangaroo v2 not the new new one. so i thought i had flashed my stock internal rom with a none multi-boot kernel and simply tried to restore the multirom kernel but no success i still cant boot my internal.

i can boot any rom from multiboot except my internal stock rom. any ideas on a fix? tried flashing kernels for internal via recovery,multirom app and flash image gui app all to no avail.

second problem.
wifite has ceased to get handshakes? it just loops on send deuth then listening for handshake but it never gets one?