My 036nha came in tmail today. Its a very fast card and blows the 036nh away. Im in the process of popping my bros asus router 2 blocks away in an hour with wps pin attack 41/146 suucess/ttl 20db is the signal level in wifite-ng lol this card is awesome with low signal. Im using nethunter on my note 3 on touchwiz. I think i will put the 036nh up on kijiji.

Aanarchyy i tried your modded bully with the 036nha and got a lockout within 10 secs which tells me its working. With the 036nh i could not do anything except capture handshakes. the 036nh seems more responsive with bully though. in reaver it sucks imho.

I love the automation with wifite because i use a galaxy note 3 to pentest. It would be great to see bully implimented into wifite. Wink wink

Cheers from BC canada.