I'm having a bizarre error whenever I try and pipe John into Aircrack-ng. I've narrowed it down to when I am attempting to use dictionaries, or rules mode. I can pipe John into Aircrack using the incremental mode, like so, John --incremental --stdout | Aircrack-ng -a 2 -w - --bssid [insert bssid here] [insert .cap here]. This will always run, without fault. However, when I try to specify a wordlist, or use "rules" mode, it won't function. What happens is that it opens Aircrack, but without the interface showing the hashes/keys tried, and immediately comes back with "password not in dictionary", separated from the command line by a large blank vertical space. This is what takes place with examples like, John --wordlist=[wordlist here] --stdout | aircrack-ng -a 2 -w - --bssid [bssid here] [.cap here].

This originally cropped up when I tried changing the config to allow a different default dictionary. So I rolled it back and tried with the default dictionary, with no luck still. It does not give me any errors like "no such file or directory". I am correctly identifying the directories of all files involved. There are actually no error messages provided, which in turn gives me no hints as to what I am doing wrong or what it going on. I am sure that I must be making a stupid omission in the command, but I've no idea what.