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Thread: Made a xorg.conf file to get 2 monitors, now have 2 of everything on desktop

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Made a xorg.conf file to get 2 monitors, now have 2 of everything on desktop

    I started by attempting to get 2 monitors set up, i found multiple places where it was said i need to edit a xorg.conf file which i didnt have. I found out that newr distros dont have a xorg file they have a xorg.conf.d folder. I also found out that running the command Xorg -configure would make a file and all that must be done is to rename it to xorg.conf and move it to /etc/X11 so i did this and then restartd X. I thought i had both monitors working because the default Kali linux background was on both screens for login but then second screen went completely white. I attemppted to fix this by changing part of the xorg file from this:
    Section "Screen"
    	Identifier "Screen1"
    	Device     "Card1"
    	Monitor    "Monitor1"
    	SubSection "Display"
    to this:
    Section "Screen"
    	Identifier "Screen1"
    	Device     "Card2"
    	Monitor    "Monitor1"
    	SubSection "Display"
    The outcome was text on the second screen about my devices such as usb. i attempted to reboot and then my computer wouldnt boot, this may be my overclock not being completely stable, i dont know, but i cleared my CMOS and it would boot again except now i had 2 of everything, except for program icons on desktop.
    Like this:
    Screenshot from 2013-03-17 17:11:44.jpg
    NOTE: both drop down 'Applications' menus work individually, as in if i open one the other doesnt open and this is the same with everything else that is doubled.

    Can Anyone please help, id rather fix this then do a fresh instal because I am trying to learn what i am doing. I have a live usb with the same version of linux on it so i can fix whatever can go wrong if the fix for my problem is complex.

  2. #2
    Join Date

    3 of everything

    The same. After i tried to switch monitor in ATI Control Center.


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