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Thread: Master trick: How to install Kali 2.0 to an USB stick without any kind of problem

  1. #1

    Master trick: How to install Kali 2.0 to an USB stick without any kind of problem

    Having had all kind of problems installing Kali 2.0 to an USB stick - mostly Grub refusing to boot - I came up with this solution.
    Besides that it works everytime, it allows you to start with the mini ISO and add meta packages later on if you like.

    Ok, here's the deal:

    1. Install Virtualbox (if not installed)
    2. Create a new virtual machine, either Ubuntu 32-bit or Ubuntu 64-bit depending on which Kali version you intend to install. Make the VM hard disk 1GB less than the capacity of the target USB stick as they practically never have the claimed capacity.
    3. Mount the Kali ISO to the VM (I prefer to start with the mini ISO and choose the Xfce WM later in the install procedure)
    4. Install Kali
    5. When done, shutdown the VM
    6. Now, make a raw image from the VDI file (let's assume it's called kali.vdi):
      VBoxManage internalcommands converttoraw kali.vdi kali.img
    7. Write kali.img to an USB stick using your favourite method (e.g. dd in Linux/BSD or Win32DiskImager in Windows)
    8. Done! Boot from the USB stick and be happy!
      (Note: This is not a Live Kali but an installed version with the USB stick acting as any hard disk would do)
    Last edited by EpsteinBzalder; 2015-08-29 at 06:44. Reason: Addendum regarding VM disk capacity

  2. #2
    Join Date
    nice solution and good interesting approach to this solution.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Cape May, NJ

    Thanks for the post. I've been following your guidance, but got lost where you

    Now, make a raw image from the VDI file (let's assume it's called kali.vdi):
    VBoxManage internalcommands converttoraw kali.vdi kali.img
    That would be Step #6. I tried Quemu, with complete lack of success. LOL! Plus creating an image with VBox. Can you be a little more specific? Thanks in advance for your response.


    Down On The Jersey Shore

  4. #4
    Join Date
    try this commad from Windows

    VBoxManage clonehd <nameOfOriginalVDI>.vdi <nameOfNewImage>.img --format RAW


    let us know if it is work

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Cape May, NJ

    I'll give your suggestion a try, when I get a chance. And, get back with the result. Thanks for jumping in here. I hope to be able to have persistence. Just running the bootable USB without persistence is almost pointless. IMHO.

    There is also the issue of doing an update / dist-upgrade ( I run Linux - Ddebian 8.0+ -all the way). I've been getting the error, that there is not enough disk space, on the USB. I once had Kali 1.0 on a 16Gb stick with persistence, but this time around it has been very difficult.

    Thanks again for your reply.


    Down On The Jersey Shore

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Cape May, NJ
    Hi All,

    I have made some progress here. Following duxim's, and EpsteinBzalder's, suggestions I did the following.

    1) created a virtual machine in Virtualbox for Kali_2.0. I set the size at 14Gb. I had read that the image created would be the size of the space allocated for the machine. And, my target USB is 16Gb.
    2) did not add the VBox guest-additions-iso. I did do that a couple of times, and I lost my mouse pointer. Presently running VBox 5.04, v. 5.06 should not need this iso. So they say. LOL!
    3) updated / dist-upgraded the machine, and created a user that would log-in automatically.
    4) moved the created .vdi file from the VBox folder to my Home directory to make it easier to work with.
    5 ran the this in Terminal as Root.

    root@xxxxx:/home/xxxxx# VBoxManage clonehd KaliLinux_2.0.vdi KaliLinux_2.0.img --format RAW
    0%...10%...20%...30%...40%...50%...60%...70%...80% ...90%...100%
    Clone medium created in format 'RAW'. UUID: 1bca010f-fcc6-4ceb-8fe6-7c1119d747ca

    I will use dd to put this on my target USB, but that will take a while, and I might run into space issues. GParted tells me, that I only have 14.91Gb on the flash drive. I might need to wipe my present virtual machine, and give it 12Gb.

    I will get back to everyone here.


    Down On The Jersey Shore

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Cape May, NJ
    Hi All,

    Just a short follow-up here. I decided to create another virtual machine for Kali_2.0, but this time using 12Gb of space versus the last machine with 14Gb. Then, create another image, per what I did last time.

    I have been looking for an appropriate dd comand that I should run in terminal, but am concerned about what I should use to ensure that I get a mbr installed. Does anybody have any recommendations?

    Thanks in advance for any responses.


    Down On The Jersey Shore

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Cape May, NJ
    Hi All,


    It all was very easy to get Kali_2.0 persistent across boots after all. I created a new virtual machine with VBox, this time with 12Gb of space, then made the image. The procedure is above. After that, all I had to do was right click on the image, and a menu opened up (I am running Dedian 8 [Jessie]), then click Open With Disk Image Writer.

    I pointed the image at my 16Gb USB flash drive, waited about 50 minutes, and it was done.

    I've booted multiple times, and all my edits / changes are still there.

    EpsteinBzalder + duxim - Thanks!


    Down On The Jersey Shore

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