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Thread: Kali 2.0 Encrypted Swap issue

  1. #1
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    Kali 2.0 Encrypted Swap issue

    Hi everybody,

    I've installed Kali 2.0 on my PC, along with another Linux distro and a Windows.
    I've created for Kali a clear /boot partition and 3 other encrypted partitions: /, /home, and the [swap].
    The problem is that at the first boot it all works fine, the system during the boot asked for the 3 passphrases for the encrypted partitions and it's all mounted.
    But when I reboot, it only ask for the "/" and "/home" passphrases and not for the swap, and when the system boot up it doesn't mount the swap.

    I figured that the problem is related to the UUID, in fact during the boot it keep saying something like:
    (1 of 2) A start job is running for dev-mapper-sda8_crypt.device (1 min 3s / 1min 30 sec)
    (2 of 2) A start job is running for dev-disk-by\2sa3duuid-etcetc (1 min 3s / 1min 30 sec)

    I found on internet a way to fix that, basically using the commands:
    to see the UUIDs of the partitions, the swap has something like PARTUUID="f3sfad3efe-08"
    mkswap /dev/sda8
    to generate the new UUID for the troubling swap partition
    - And then I copy and paste the new UUID on the /etc/crypttab file
    - I reboot the system and the swap now works, I've been asked for all the 3 passphrases and everything works fine.

    But every time that I turn the computer off and on again, the problem keeps coming back. And I have to do it all again (new uuid, and restart of the computer).

    Is there a way to avoid the UUID of the encrypted swap to keep changing? Or another way to permanently fix this problem of the encrypted swap?

  2. #2
    I fixed using

     sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/swapname

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