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Thread: Project beerbottle - Nuke LUKS with a duress password

  1. #1

    Project beerbottle - Nuke LUKS with a duress password

    I have an encrypted partition setup with LUKS. I've always wanted the choice to be able to wipe the drive upon an invalid password when unlocking my encrypted partition.

    That's when I stumbled upon a tool I'd thought to share, Project beerbottle. Which can do more then just nuke the partition. There is a neat option to have the user login into a "fresh" environment upon invalid pass phrase

    There exists the option for a duress password which would cause the encrypted partition to be overwritten seamlessly, presenting what appears to be a fresh install to the intruder.
    The project can be found here, .

    The documentation is well written. This is not my project, just thought to share.
    Last edited by hightech316; 2015-10-24 at 13:47.

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