Well im not much of a fan of reaver now neways. The updated bully makes my awus036nh crack routers now. lolz With reaver it did nothing. Ive tested the 036nh and 036nha so many times on the 24dbi grid 14dbi panel 7dbi panel etc with command line reaver and wifite-ng and the 036nh was always ****. 036nha has always worked good in reaver though but both units work GREAT with bully. Im a big fan of wifite-ng. its my go to script for 99% of things i do. Having a chub on for reaver is like getting a chub watching ducks mate. Like i say id love to see a rewrite with reaver flushed out but i know that it wont happen now.

p.s. i thought you hung out n idled in #offsec? i been on all day and dont see you there.

peace bro.

Quote Originally Posted by aanarchyy View Post
As much as I would like to say that i would love to, i honestly don't see that happening... And here are a couple of reasons:

My version of wifite had been out for MONTHS before derv82 made his release of wifite to include pixiewps(and my version still has more options pixie related, and some his still doesn't include). That version was almost immediately included in the KALI project, and my version discarded( even after g0tmi1k asked me to change the project name,which i did, suggesting it was to be included. Large factor of why mine is now basically unmaintained... cuz... why...)

As I am now the upstream maintainer of bully(which ALSO isn't included), If i were to add bully support to this, i would completely axe all of reaver/wash from the script and likely rewrite LARGE portions of it so as it would be almost it's own project. Probably an unpopular solution as it seems the Kali community has a HUGE chubby for reaver...

Kinda feels like the Kali project is growing a bit stagnant(Not even just things I've done, but many others that have been updated\improved but still aren't part of the project)

Seems with each update of Kali, it becomes less and less stable(Should I count how many recent threads that are akin to "Blank screen/Icons missing/Blinking cursor).

If i will ever make a "script" such as wifite with bully support, it will be its own project, not a rewrite...