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Thread: Problems with GUI / startx and Windows Remote Control FROM Windows TO Kali

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Problems with GUI / startx and Windows Remote Control FROM Windows TO Kali

    Hey there,

    first I want to say, that I am totally new to this Linux things at all, but I give my best.

    So here ist my Problem.

    A few days before I bought a Raspberry Pi 2, on which I want to use Kali 2.0 (I downloaded a special Image especially for Raspberry Pi 2).

    It is installed and it works, I can do everythring through PUTTY.

    Now I've got 2 Problems ....

    I've installed "xrdp" for connecting to my Pi through Windows Remote Control. I test the service by
    netstat -an | grep "LISTEN" | grep ":3389"
    and get this
    tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN
    ... so it's up, listening.

    But if I now try connect with Windows, Windows Remote control instantly crashes with "code 0x2104" .... There is no way to connect .... But I am not able to fix it ...

    And my 2nd problem is, I've connected my TV with the HDMI Port on the Pi. But after the Boot Screen with everything starting it just turns black, without any console or gui....
    But at this point I can login with PUTTY and then type startx ... the GUI comes up and I can manage it with my wireless keyboard. But if I close my putty window, startx closes also.

    Is there a possibility to start startx with boot sequence, so that it launches autmatically and STAYS without putty?

    I hope anyone can help me with this 2 questions.

    Thanks and regards.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Problem solved

    Solution was to start xrdp as a service and this also fixed the gui problem

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