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Thread: Kali issue when trying to install on kvm for Ubuntu

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Kali issue when trying to install on kvm for Ubuntu

    Hi all,

    Just made the accound and wanted to say nice to meet you hoewer.
    I need to make some mentiones first according to forum rules : I am using linux distro Ubuntu 15.10 and downloaded kali linux 2.0 amd 64 iso .
    I need to use for some particulars purpose kali OS , so I just want to get started , beeing kind of nouby cause I come from windows world and math field.
    I want t o install kali on a virtual station not using stuff like oracle virtual machines cause I want to use something more linux like so I tryied kvm(installed via the console and then tryied to install kali via the KVM GUI) .
    THe issue here is that I saved the kali iso in some of my local media drivers disk and I am getting the next error :

    Unable to complete install: 'internal error: process exited while connecting to monitor: 2016-01-16T16:25:18.993368Z qemu-system-x86_64: -drive file=/media/home/84FA413FFA412EAC/kali-linux-2.0-amd64.iso,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw: Could not open '/media/home/84FA413FFA412EAC/kali-linux-2.0-amd64.iso': Permission denied
    I also must mention that for the specific media drive I added permission also tryied to add permission for libvirtd ( using right click ) but failed it is just autoselecting home for permission .

    Any suggestions ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    try with Kali lite iso img and 32 bit version. and when you download Kali iso check sha1sum
    here you have video how to install Kali on VB
    Repetitio est mater studiorum

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Managed to solve the issue with same 64 version with the mention I abandoned to try kvm and switched to VB , also used graphical install( cause all the other options failed)

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