For MTeams persistent usb i386 install of Kali 2016.1R the use of the airmon-ng check kill command is no longer required. Note the usb was updated fully just prior to these tests

MTeams did the following with two(2) wifi devices wlano and eth1.

With eth1 associated to a network MTeams evoked the following commands

airmon-ng start wlan0 [Enter]

wlan0mon was produced

Then airodump-ng was run

airodump-ng wlan0mon [Enter]

There was a temporary Stoc error message which then disappeared and airodump-ng then ran after about two second delay only.

MTeams then typed

apt-get update and began processing data thru Network-Manager on eth1 while airodump-ng was running thru wlan0mon

We are asking other users to duplicate these finding

Note when we did kill Network manager we were unable to restore its function except thru a reboot.

We suspect now that multiple monitors thru iw commands is possible but that will require further tests.

Musket Teams