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Thread: Dual boot Kali on MacBook without ReFind

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Dual boot Kali on MacBook without ReFind

    Hi guys, is this possible, I'm having issues with installing Kali at the moment. I have successfully dual booted my mac with linux mint - but after the recent hack and the forums going down - I'm a bit sceptical.
    Forums are still down and although my ISO was pre 20th of Feb I had already allocated the disc space on my mac prior to doing the install - i.e. in recovery mode on my mac

    I have 3 x partitions (all fat32) 100GB, 50GB and a 5GB swap portion.

    Can i just overwrite these and install Kali there instead? Its already burnt to ISO


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Yes you can do that
    Boot with kali live DVD
    in the time of installation choose make custom partition settings
    and choose the existing partitions
    if thats not visible
    go to the linux
    write down the partition names
    back to kali installation and format only the linux partitions
    and install kali in it instead

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    Venkatesh L Sharma

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