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Thread: Long wait for desktop after logging in on Kali 2016.1 64bit issue and Nvidia info.

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Long wait for desktop after logging in on Kali 2016.1 64bit issue and Nvidia info.

    I upgraded from Kali 2.0 Kali 2016 and after I logged in it would take almost 5 minutes of the gray screen before I was at the desktop. So I did a fresh install of Kali 2016 and all seemed well until I installed the Nvidia driver, version 352.79 and open CL, and the five minute delay to the desktop came back.

    I could not find the cause but I did discover that if you hit the Esc key after the login it goes straight to the desktop almost immediately.

    So it no longer is a major issue for me but a minor one now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Try this
    # sudo apt-get auroremove --purge nvidia-*
    # sudo stop lightdm
    # sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
    the above purges your Nvidia and makes the default drivers work
    if you want your Nividea to work properly
    updating your drivers or removing and reinstalling may work
    try below commands
    to remove and reinstall
    #jockey-text --list to get the list of available options.
    #sudo jockey-text -d xorg:nvidia_304 to remove the 304 driver.
    #sudo jockey-text -e xorg:nvidia_304 to enable the same driver.
    #jockey-text --help

    if it says command not found install jockey by (#sudo apt-get install jockey-common)

    Then Reinstalling drivers
    #sudo ubuntu-drivers devices
    #sudo apt-get install nvidia-331

    /vvvvvvvvvvvv \-------------------------------------------------------------------------,,
    |^^^^^^^^ /===================================--""

    ----------The quieter you become,The more you will able to hear-----------
    Venkatesh L Sharma

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