Quote Originally Posted by boba.fett View Post
Yes that one.

That's the problem, when I iwconfig I can see the adapter but when I try to airmon-ng start wlan0 take too much time and when I made airodump-ng scan nothing.

But I see Virtualbox usb icon get red when I try to change the adapter to monito mode.

Nothing of this happen if I run Kali stand alone.
I have a similar model, and I have been going through the troubleshooting steps the last few days. Forgive me if this seems redundant, but would you answer the following?

  • What is the host OS? Is it Linux? If so, have you added your user to the VBOXUSERS group?
    What filter do you have for the USB settings? USB 2.0/3.0? What cable are you using, could you try another?
    What exact commands do you use to initialize the card? (e.g.: ifconfig wlan0 down, iwconfig wlan0 mode mon, etc.)
    Have you experienced any warnings when running airodump-ng?? Try running "airodump-ng check kill"

Hopefully something mentioned above helps out.