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Thread: Troubleshooting Network Manager AP on XFCE using Kali Sana.

  1. #1
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    Troubleshooting Network Manager AP on XFCE using Kali Sana.

    I'm finding it extremely difficult to figure out to create a successful hotspot using Kali Sana after having it updated to XFCE, installing all updates via apt-get install update.

    I've tested the methods below & found it to be non-working to an extend which leads to this post:


    The last one is a video but failing to which, I am unsure if XFCE is the problem?

    tl;dr: I've tried this script as well:

    Using the above script (as used in the video too!), I could see the Network Manager trying to connect but somehow, it pours down to the ethernet default connection that I have and changes the icon after like 2 mins..

    What would be the problem?
    Last edited by maiki; 2016-08-27 at 10:36. Reason: Remove YouTube link

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