Hello there,
I fixed my problem with this instructions:
1- when kali try to charge the system services and files, then a black screen with a "_" cursor appears , so before I get the "oh no ! Some thing has gone wrong." screen , I just press CRLT + ALT + F1 ( Or CRLT + ALT + F2 ) , then login with textual screen .
2- connecting to network with this instructions situated on this issue :
root@kali:~# iw dev
root@kali:~# ip link set wlan0 up
root@kali:~# iw wlan0 scan
root@kali:~# wpa_passphrase SSID WIFI_PASS >> /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf 
--> Replace SSID with the name of your Wifi connection and WIFI_PASS with it's password
root@kali:~# wpa_supplicant -i wlan0 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
root@kali:~# iw wlan0 link
root@kali:~# dhclient wlan0
root@kali:~# ping
(Where wlan0 is wifi adapter and blackMOREOps is SSID)
(Add Routing manually)
root@kali:~# ip route add default via dev wlan0
3- if all of this instruction is okey and if your network is connected successfully, now you must do this command :
apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade
4- Read all instruction and becareful before you choose options when asked .
that's it .
good luck