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Thread: Automatic Macchanger & OpenVPN Killswitch?

  1. #1
    Join Date

    [Solved] Automatic Macchanger & OpenVPN Killswitch?

    I was curious if anyone knows how I can have a random (or pre-entered fake) MAC address assigned on kali startup as well as how I can block all traffic out/in my network while not connected to a VPN.

    So far for macchanger, I have tried using init.d script to run macchanger -r in between putting wlan0 down/up which did not work and I believe the network manager may be interfering with the script working properly and am not sure how to do it. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advanced.
    Last edited by Stupendous; 2016-08-25 at 02:53. Reason: Added [Solved] to title since I have found the solution

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Solved both of my questions, thanks anyways.

    Macchanger on startup - in network manager interface add a "cloned address" inside the wlan/ethernet connection and it will connect with that as your MAC addeess.
    VPN killswitch - installed ufw firewall (apt-get install gfuw) and added rules to deny all out/in by default and only allow outward to VPN IPs (to make connection) and in/out tun0 for internet connection while connected to VPN. Finally I allowed all in/out on all private IP networks for LAN communication (,, and in/out for DHCP.

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