Hi @v1s1t0r, i've stup airgeddon ona RPi3+ with Kali and testedit with an external wireless adapter: working OK.
If I use the internal card, when exploring for targets I get the following error msg:
Interface wlan0 selected. Mode: Monitor. Supported bands: 2.4Ghz, 5Ghz
Selected BSSID: E2:41:36:253:00
Selected channel: 6
Type of encryption: WPA2

Select an option from menu:
0. Return to main menu
1. Select another network interface
2. Put interface in monitor mode
3. Put interface in managed mode
4. Explore for targets (monitor mode needed)
------------ (monitor mode needed for capturing) -------------
5. Capture Handshake
6. Clean/optimize Handshake file
*Hint* The natural order to proceed in this menu is usually: 1-Select wifi card 2-Put it in monitor mode 3-Select target network 4-Capture Handshake
> 4

**************************** Exploring for targets *****************************
Exploring for targets option chosen (monitor mode needed)

Selected interface wlan0 is in monitor mode. Exploration can be performed

WPA/WPA2 filter enabled in scan. When started, press [Ctrl+C] to stop...
Press [Enter] key to continue...
airgeddon.sh: line 11619: /tmp/nws-01.csv: No such file or directory

(I get this same error with two different RPi's with different sd-cards). The internal card supports monitor mode and injection: working OK with the aircrack suite.
In the /temp folder there is a nws.csv file but no nws-01.csv file. Please, how can I tackle this?