Sorry for reposting... but if there are not too much activity I'll inform anyway about new releases here...

v9.11 released with some fixes making airgeddon compatible with BeEF versions. It seems on new BeEF versions there are some modifications in the config file. Now airgeddon is able to detect BeEF version and perform the needed changes in order to make it work with all of them even with the coming soon BeEF version which did not reached yet the Kali repositories. I added also a couple of minor fixes and now once airgeddon update, the new .airgeddonrc file containing options is also updated to add new possible options and to avoid possible warnings. In addition, airgeddon will save the customizations on this file to avoid overriding them on update, so user can keep safely their customizations.

Tmux support is already done in another branch (headless_tmux) and is now under beta testing. v9.20 will have this new feature which will allow us to launch airgeddon on headless (without X window system) environments. Very useful for old raspberry pi or similar resources limited devices.
