Hello everyone i just bougth an external adapter for my Nexus 5x, which has nethunter installed

if i run ifconfig, i cannot see any wlan1, i´ve tried running ifconfig wlan1 up, and it tells me there´s no interface for wlan1. the adapter dosen´t even light up im using a TL-WN722N. i was told this adapter would just be plug in and go basically.

Im runing nethunter on 6.0.1 version MMB29K kernel version 3.10.73-ElementalX-N5X-1.16

I´ve been searching internet all day for solutions and unfortunately no success. so my last solution would be to buy another adapter. but i thought someone might know whats wrong? Would it help to update phone to a later firmware ? and then flush nethunter on it.

also the cable works i´ve tried with a mouse, and the adapter works aswell it runs fine with my kali linux on pc.

I´ve also tried apt-get install atheros, to attempt to download the driver which sadly didnt work either. any suggestions?