You have a good tek here and I commend your effort. I successfully installed the nvidia proprietary driver on my system.

I would like to make a few suggestions on edits to your tek that I think are absolutely necessary.

1) You need to tell people that the Proprietary NVIDIA driver ( the .run file) isnt fully compatible with Kali and is not recommended.
  • When
    system returns " conflicts with Kali. Please uninstall. Would you like to do that now?" Tell it 'No' and it hangs.

2) You need to change the part about removing NVIDIA* >>
apt-get remove --purge nvidia*

  • Tell people this is potentially dangerous, as it could break graphics ability and aptitude.

    • see glx-diversions
    • occurs when attempting to reinstall Nvidia drivers/ system crash/ ill configured xorg.conf

  • Recommend instead to remove packages individually and make notes of installed pkgs.
    apt-get remove --purge nvidia-xconfig nvidia-driver
    ocl-icd-libopencl1 nvidia-cuda-toolkit

Im not really sure what I did to cause my issue, but I **** sure tried everything that I could find, so many thats the problem. But either way, I think you should warn people about the possibility of a Black Hole through GLX. This bug has been going on since 2011 and still hasnt been fixed.

But again. Thank you for the tutorial! I gave up and tried things on google and came back here only to find that this was it. My experiments with google are what really got me stuck. This worked, but then I tried to update the xorg.conf on my own and do some other silly **** and ended up in a Black Hole.