Quote Originally Posted by DoctorSpace View Post
So, I ran through all the steps on the tutorial, but looks like I'm still having an issue.

As it starts to boot, I get [FAILED] Failed to start Load Kernel Modules, and then it runs through some other checks and stops on [OK] Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes.

Can't get into a terminal from here. Thoughts on what to do?

EDIT: Post finally got approved, so let me give you some more info.
I was able to purge the Nvidia drivers and get back to where I started, and here's everything I noticed.

First off it's an MSI GS63VR Stealth Pro Laptop
Nvidia GTX 1060 Geforce graphics
i7-7700HQ Processor

Whenever I use
update-initramfs -u
apt-get install nvidia-driver nvidia-xconfig

At the end I get hit with
"WARNING: Setting CRYPTSETUP in /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf is deprecated and will stop working in the future. Use /etc/cryptsetup-initramfs/conf-hook instead."

And upon using
nvidia-xconfig --query-gpu-info | grep 'BusID : ' | cut -d ' ' -f6
I get an error stating it can't query the GPU, but it shows up in lspci

And then if I run through the whole tutorial I'm hit with the error I mentioned at the top of the post. Does Kali just not like to place nice with the 1060? I've looked around the forums and it seems the people having the same issue all have the same graphics card as I.
I have the same laptop as you and it works using Tiger's tutorial.

With a fresh install, immediately blacklist nouveau with this step:

echo -e "blacklist nouveau\noptions nouveau modeset=0\nalias nouveau off" > /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
Make sure to do an update and upgrade, reboot. After rebooting get the header files for your kernel

apt-get install -y linux-headers-$(uname -r)
Then continue to install as per Tiger's tutorial.

Note that lspci will give you output like this: 01:00.0

Running the query to get the bus ID will give you this output: 1:0:0

The second query is the proper format for the xorg.conf file.

TiGER511 thanks for a great tutorial!! I do have one question though.. after installing the kernel, nvidia creates a nvidia-blacklists-nouveau.conf just blacklisting nouveau.. Does this conf file replace the one we created with the echo statement? If so, can we delete the manually created conf file since nvidia has created its own?

Also, I am not sure I totally understand how this conf file is invoked? we created it, put the code in, then ran the sed command.. How is the sed command tied to the conf file?

Again thanks it is working for me !