I've tried pretty much every single solve out there so please let this thread be posted.. I've been stuck on this for 12 hours or more, and yes I'm quite new to this stuff. I'm referencing a closed thread that has a solve on it that didn't work for me although I think I'm close?


I've done everything that it said and I still can't connect to the internet, photos below will show all the details you need relating to the thread above, and following that fix.

So first up is adding the new file in the directory /conf.d and adding the code


So that is done, and that's all it says to do. I then restart the network manager
Then change my mac address and restart network manager.


But it still doesn't work. As shown below in my wired settings.At the top right it has a connected symbol though. Checked my resolv.conf file as well and it seems okay.
