This might be a strange question since kali is normally used as a security tool and I have used it for work for some time. However, I wondered whether there was a 'plain' version of Kali without all of the security tools for basic home use?

The reason I ask is that everything in Kali 'just works', which I cannot say of other Linux distros. I don't like what Ubuntu did with its Unity interface and moved away from it a long time ago, and Linux MINT has fundamental issues on my computer (network, SSD support, NTFS support among others) whereas Kali works seamlessly. In Kali I also like the sidebar (LXDE panel I think?) as well as the Android-like app launcher (anyone know what its called?). I guess I could just uninstall the bits I don't want one by one, but I wondered whether there was a plain Kali distro?