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Thread: GRUB Boot Loader Not installing on Hard Drive

  1. #1
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    GRUB Boot Loader Not installing on Hard Drive

    I have a Sager NP8157 that is running a 256GB nvme SSD with Windows 10 on it, and a 2TB HDD. I am trying to install Kali Linux onto the Hard drive and keep on getting this error:

    "Unable to install GRUB in dummy
    Executing 'grub-install dummy' failed.
    This is a fatal error."

    So naturally I turned to the Internet for help and found this post:

    I don't understand how to do the fix from the link in that post and when I tried to do the fix within the post itself on about the 5th line of code I get an error, this is the 5th line of the code:

    mount /dev/sda* /mnt/boot/efi

    the output error I get is:

    mount: mount point /mnt/boot/efi doesn't exist

    All of the rest of the code lines leading up to there worked except for this one. I don't know why it refuses to install the GRUB boot loader. I'm not sure if the EFI partition on the SSD is screwing with it or if there is no EFI partition on the HDD even though it says there is. If this is related my HDD that I am trying to install Kali on has 5 partitions the first two are Microsoft Reserved and Microsoft basic data, the third is the EFI System, the fourth is the Linux File System, and the fifth is the Linux Swap space. Any help is much appreciated.

  2. #2
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    Boot into kali-live and show the output of fdisk -l.

  3. #3
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    Here it is:
    Screenshot from 2017-07-25 14-47-16.jpg

    Would you instead recommend taking a few games off of my SSD and putting Kali on it for a true dual boot? I am assuming I can stil access and use the hard drive to save extra data right?

  4. #4
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    Your screenshot is not visible. Upload it on some free2upload site and share the link here.

  5. #5
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    hi , i am new with kali , and i would like to ask in how to install grub to be able to choose the OS that i want to use ,

    I successfully installed kali from a live usb to my microsoft surface pro 1st Gen but I've notice that the GRUB boot loader does not install, in fact does not give me the option to install it from the USB that I've created to install kali OS , my surface goes automatically to windows after the reboot and i really don't know how to install grub and can not find any tutorial to install it to a surface pro 1st gen , if this is not the right thread my apologies , please redirect me to the right thread , thanks .

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by eldallas View Post
    hi , i am new with kali , and i would like to ask in how to install grub to be able to choose the OS that i want to use ,
    I successfully installed kali from a live usb to my microsoft surface pro 1st Gen but I've notice that the GRUB boot loader does not install, in fact does not give me the option to install it from the USB that I've created to install kali OS , my surface goes automatically to windows after the reboot and i really don't know how to install grub and can not find any tutorial to install it to a surface pro 1st gen , if this is not the right thread my apologies , please redirect me to the right thread , thanks .
    Upload the output.
    Quote Originally Posted by _defalt View Post
    Boot into kali-live and show the output of fdisk -l.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
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    You have 2 options. You can either install grub in the EFI partition(/dev/nvme0n1p2) of your SSD(/dev/nvme0n1 or in the EFI partition(/dev/sda3) of your hard drive(/dev/sda).

    Boot into kali live USB and follow the instructions:

    mount /dev/sda4 /mnt
    mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
    mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
    mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
    mkdir /mnt/boot/efi
    mount /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
    mount -o remount,rw /dev/nvme0n1p2 /mnt/boot/efi
    mkdir /mnt/hostrun
    mount --bind /run /mnt/hostrun
    chroot /mnt
    mkdir /run/lvm
    mount --bind /hostrun/lvm /run/lvm
    grub-install /dev/nvme0n1
    umount /mnt/dev
    umount /mnt/proc
    umount /mnt/sys
    umount /mnt/boot/efi
    umount /mnt/hostrun
    umount /mnt/run/lvm
    umount /mnt

    Note that I've selected EFI partiton of your SSD in the 6th(also in 7th) commandline as recommended because your Windows OS manager is also there. But you can choose to install it in /dev/sda3, there is no harm in this.

    I may edit these commands based on your new response so keep them in notice.
    Last edited by _defalt; 2017-07-26 at 18:00.

  9. #9
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    It worked perfectly! Thank you very much. The only thing I have left to do is install some missing firmwares but thats about it.

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