OS: Mac OS X 10.13
Virtualization: VMWare Fusion 10
Guest OS: Kali 2017.2

Hey guys,

I recently installed Kali 2017.2 on VMWare Fusion 10 using my Mac. Everything is great and running smooth.

To install VMWare Tools, I mounted the Kali Live CD using (Virtual Machine -> Install VMWare Tools) option in VMWare Fusion.

However, after installation, even after ejecting the CD, every time I restart the virtual machine, the Kali Live CD gets automatically mounted. How can I disable this?

My /etc/fstab file contains the following line, which I think has something to do with it:
/dev/sr0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

Any help is appreciated. Thank You!