I'm trying to get inside a test Wordpress admin panel by bruteforcing user and password. I have a very large dictionary that contains both the username and the password. I'm using Kali Linux Rolling in Live Mode.

The command is:
hydra http-form-post "/wp-login.php:log=^USER^&pwd=^PASS^:ERROR" - L dictionary.dic -P Dictionary.dic -t 10 -w 30
Speed is approx 500 tries per minute, which is ok for very basic demonstration purposes, but totally crazy in a real-scenario simulation.

I wonder if I can use multiple AWS Kali instances with powerful GPUs to enhance the computational power of hydra and/or patator.
I was looking for Amazon info and prices, looks like a request for pen test is required, and then we can set up kali instances and get, like, 16 extra GPUs for a couple of dozen dollars per hour. I know it can works with hashcat, but what about hydra and other services?
Which options do I have?