Hello there,

I am using Kali Linux, but since I installed Manjaro Linux Xfce on a different partition, Kali Linux doesn't update the time any more at boot-up. When I go to https://time.is/ , it usually says "Your time is exact!", but when it does show an offset, like "Your clock is 7 seconds behind", I can usually fix that by rebooting my computer. Now, however, that stopped working. Even after rebooting my computer, my system clock was 7 seconds behind.

Just to test this, I used the date-command ( date --set 21:08:00 ) to set my date to a completely different time and then I rebooted again. The time, that didn't come close to the right time, didn't update. The hours and minutes were completely off. This was the moment that I knew for sure that the automatic time synchronisation had stopped working.

Some troubleshooting on the Internet gave me that I need to enable system time synchronisation with the command "timedatectl set-ntp 1", but doing so didn't so didn't make any difference. When I checked with "timedatectl status", I saw that my system clock still wasn't synchronised, not even after running "timedatectl set-ntp 1". This I considered to be very strange. How am I supposed to enable system synchronisation? Which command do I need to run for that?

I tried:
1. Running "timedatectl set-ntp 0", checking by "timedatectl status", again running "timedatectl set-ntp 1" and then check again by "timedatectl status": nothing changed.

2. Modifying the file /etc/ntp.conf by adding the following lines under "# You do need to talk to an NTP server or two (or three).
#server ntp.your-provider.example"
server 0.europe.pool.ntp.org
server 1.europe.pool.ntp.org
server 2.europe.pool.ntp.org
server 3.europe.pool.ntp.org

3. Running "apt install libnss-systemd": didn't do anything useful. It installed something (I don't know what), but the automatic system time synchronisation at boot-up still doesn't work.

4. Running "apt install ntpdate", followed by "ntpdate in.pool.ntp.org". This did correct my time, resulting in https://time.is/ saying "Your time is exact!", but I need this to happen at every boot-up, not when I think about running that command.

After installing Manjaro Linux Xfce on another partition, Manjaro Linux Xfce did change my bootloader, but Kali Linux still boots fine, so I cannot imagine that the bootloader change have caused the automatic system synchronisation to stop working. This must have another cause, but I don't know what cause and I also don't know how to solve this.

How do I restore the system in Kali Linux which automatically synchronises time after every boot-up?