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Thread: Nexus 6P doesn't recognise external adaptors

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Nexus 6P doesn't recognise external adaptors

    Hi i have just flashed the official nethunter 2020.2 Nexus 6P Los 10 onto my 6p Which is running Los 17.1. Nethunter has installed ok and the chroot is all ok but i don't know if im being stupid but it does not detect my external wifi adaptors. I assume nexmon wont work for my internal one as it says Android 8.0 stock will work no mention of 10. But why can't it see my external adaptor? Am i missing something obvious, lsusb displays it as connected but that's it.

    Any help would be great thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    What is the chipset of the device?
    Just because lsusb can see it, doesn’t mean that a driver for it is loaded. In other words, yes, your phone knows it is there, but probably doesn’t know what to do with it or how to communicate with it.
    if you want help, I would suggest posting the make, model, and hardware revision of the device and/or the output of the commands between the cut marks.

    ifconfig -a

  3. #3
    Join Date
    You might also need to download the devices firmware.

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