armitage can't locate any attacks for hosts the scanner is instantly done and no attacks work. updated metasploit to metasploit v5.0.77-dev- then did the following.

msfconsole and armitage trouble shooting
armitage kept telling me to set the MSF consol database configuration to the correct dababase.yml locatation

had to update msfconsole. once updated i typed msfconsole - it loaded, inside of msfconsole i used bundle install- this installed the needed gem files. - i launched armitage got an error Can't locate database.yml (you will most likely get this error after the update.)

i fixed that by manually setting it with the following command. : export MSF_DATABASE_CONFIG=/usr/share/metasploit-framework/config/database.yml (your filepath may be different)

afterwords you may want to type msfdb reinit and make sure its cleared. if your version of linux doesn't recognize that use service metasploit start

re-ran armitage and no longer got the error but now i have a new one, can't connect to the database. i had to set the path DIRECTLY to the database.yml. this fixed the database error, the gem error was fixed above and it fixed the rake file error.

you may have to try a fresh install by removing the previous version. apt remove metasploit and apt remove armitage should do the trick.

Your metasploit frame work (msfconsole) should be working smoothly with armitage again, happy hacking!

if this is in the wrong section please advise where to post solutions to troubleshooting issues.