Musket Teams have tested the following persistent USB install methods using kali-linux-2020.1b-live-amd64.iso and kali-linux-2020.1b-live-i386.iso.

1. Install kali-linux-2020.1b-live-amd64.iso or kali-linux-2020.1b-live-i386.iso to the usb flash drive with Win32DiskImager.exe. We used both XP and Windows 7.

When running Win32DiskImager make sure the program is pointed at your usb flash drive. When you browse to the location of your Kali-linux iso, change the "Files of Type" from "img" to *.* - select the down arrow across from "Files of Type" and you will get this selection in a drop-down menu. Once selected the kali-linux.iso file will appear. Select it and select "write" then sit back and wait while the diskimager does it's work. When finished you now have a live version of Kali-linux. Boot the computer from the usb flash drive and test to see if it is working properly then shut it down.

To enable persistence so your work is saved between reboots do the following;

2. Run up a kali operating system. You cannot use the usb you just installed kali-linux 2020.1 on as it will be locked during these operations. A separate operating system must act on the usb flash drive.

3. Place a copy of kali-linux-2020.1b-live-amd64.iso or kali-linux-2020.1b-live-i386.iso to the root directory. Do not place in a folder.

4. Insert the usb you will add persistence to into your usb slot.

3. For purposes here the two partitions created by theWin32DiskImager are /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdb2. This can be verified with the command fdisk --list.

4. Create and format an additional partition on the USB drive. We have to do this using the command line in a Terminal Window. Gparted will read the imaged ISO as a single block.

Open a Terminal Window and enter the following commands:


The "end=7gb" makes a 7gb variable

If you are installing kali-linux-2020.1b-live-amd64.iso enter:

read start _ < <(du -bcm kali-linux-2020.1b-live-amd64.iso | tail -1); echo $start

If you are installing kali-linux-2020.1b-live-i386.iso enter:

read start _ < <(du -bcm kali-linux-2020.1b-live-i386.iso | tail -1); echo $start

parted /dev/sdb mkpart primary $start $end

The parted command may advise you that it can?t use the exact start values you specified; if so, accept the suggested value instead. If advised that the partition isn?t placed at an optimal location, ?ignore? it. When parted completes, the new partition should have been created at /dev/sdb3; again, this can be verified with the command fdisk --list.

Create an ext3 file system in the partition and label it persistence:

mkfs.ext3 -L persistence /dev/sdb3

e2label /dev/sdb3 persistence

mkdir -p /mnt/my_usb

mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt/my_usb

echo "/ union" > /mnt/my_usb/persistence.conf

umount /dev/sdb3

Be very careful here. Spell persistence correctly AND in the echo command line note the forward slash, then a space, then the word union. The space here is important.

If you are a windows only user looking to explore Kali and do not have a linux operating system then make two live 2020.1b flash drives and have one act as the OS. Start the computer with one flash drive then place a copy of kali-linux-2020.1b-live-amd64.iso or kali-linux-2020.1b-live-i386.iso to the Home directory. Do not place in a folder. The sdb3 entries will change in the command lines.

Keep your older version of Kali for a while. The ability to use access root and move files around is a tedious and time consuming process. There are several solutions in the forums concerning this problem.

Musket Teams