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Thread: Mouse and keyboard don't work on rasberry pi4

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Mouse and keyboard don't work on rasberry pi4

    It seems there have been several other cases of this, none of which have been solved. I booted into the Kali specifically made by offensive security for the rasberry pi. Everything installed fine and I realized the USB devices didn't work when I needed to type my password in. After trying a few different things, I finally just put Rasbian on my pi and the keyboard and mouse work just fine... so it is very clear that it is a Kali problem, not a rasberry pi problem, and not a keyboard and mouse problem (like all the other discussions I've seen say).

    One thing I didn't try is booting it with ethernet, or just trying to put the normal Kali on it, but that's all I can think of. I am somewhat of a noob to this, so at first I just assumed I was doing something stupid, but it all works just fine with Rasbian so this feels like more of a bug report but either way, I appreciate any help, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Hey there!

    I've had the same issue. Ended up connecting via Eathernet, SSH'ing in, and reinstalling the input drivers:
    --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-all

    Works perfectly now. Happy learning!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    I don't really know what any of that means but I forgot to come back and say I tried the experimental 64-bit version and it works fine. It was only the 32-bit version that had issues with the USB devices on the rasberry pi4. Thanks anyway! Other threads have had this problem but it seems no one found a solution so good job!

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