
It took me less than 24 hours to kill my system completely after installing Kali by screwing around with installing and deleting elements of Gnome through the command line. As I type this I am currently doing another fresh install of 2020.3

I am making the move from Linux Mint to Kali and found the Xfce desktop environment on 2020.3 a bit difficult to customize. What started with attempting to move the taskbar to the bottom turned into the critical error I mentioned earlier where Kali wouldn't even boot properly in recovery mode. I was hoping you nice people would give me up-to-date and correct information.

Now to the point:

I am currently sitting on a brand new installation with absolutely no modifications. I believe I want to use Cinnamon, the environment I used on LM20 because it was quite user friendly and impossible to screw up as bad as I did on Xfce. Could somebody give me the proper terminal commands to install and run Cinnamon? I scoured forums but I believe my critical error was caused because I was reading advice and answers from 2013-2016 and obviously things change.

If anybody has any recommendations about ways to make life easier for absolute beginners I am all ears. I made it about as far as installing the basics like Zoom and VLC on the old install before the error.
