I have installed the VMware fling om my Raspberry PI 4 8GB following the instructions on youtube bi Networkchuck, In the video he shows that he has Kali Linux running in a VM, i am trying to get it running in a VM.

I have written the image for Raspebrry PI (kali-linux-2020.3b-rpi3-nexmon-64.img.xz) from https://www.offensive-security.com/k...ux-arm-images/ to a vmdk disk by using dd from an Ubuntu installation using dd.

This does not boot, i tried fixing Grub by booting form a debian netboot iso and using rescue mode but am not familiair enough with how Kali boots to fix it.

I have also tried getting it to run by using the method virtuallyGhetto has documented to get Raspberry IP OS running in a vm, without any succes.

As the option to run VMware ESX on a Raspberry PI 4 is very new i am unable to find any information on how to get Kali running in a vm.

As said Networkchuck shows in his video that it is possible, i put a comment asking how he did it on the video but did not get a repsonse.

Could you fine people here please point me in the right direction?