I would like to use GPIO UARTS on the pi4.

Problem 1.
as per https://www.raspberrypi.org/document...ration/uart.md
I should be able to use serial0 however only serial1 is available. It also appears that its disabled by default and I need to enable it using the raspi-config. I installed raspi-config but the interface option is missing from the menu. it seems to be skipped entirely.

Problem 2
According to https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/v...c.php?t=244827 I can add a new UART port. I followed the procedure an added dtoverlay=uart2 into my /boot/config.txt. This seemed to work and I now have a new /dev/ttyAMA1. Now the question is what GPIO is this on. For this I need to use dtoverlay or raspi-gpio. I have tried to install both of these but cannot get it to work. They both come back with "Unable to locate package".

1. Is it possible to install these packages and how.
2. Does anyone have any clear cut idea how to use UART within Kali any pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance