I'm currently using Kali 2020.4 with Gnome. On previous releases, I could type Japanese perfectly with both ibus-anthy and ibus-mozc but in this release, I've got error typing Japanese. I installed ibus-mozc as usual. But I can't type Japanese in this time. So I checked the input method to make sure. But everything is set up correctly. When I type Japanese with ibus-mozc, my typed characters do not covert to Hiragana but it converts when I type in gnome search bar and when I change the language to Japanese. On previous releases, I did not have such problems. I also installed Japanese fonts but the problem is still unsolved. So, if someone know the right answer for my problem, help me please.

Check this image, I can write Japanese in search box but I can't type in others.
Screenshot from 2020-12-20 21-19-54.jpg

I also set up mozc settings properly.
Screenshot from 2020-12-20 21-26-17.jpg

I can type Japanese in everywhere when I change language to Japanese in Language and Regions in Gnome settings.
Screenshot from 2020-12-20 21-30-36.jpg