I am not a programmer by any means so i do not know how to fix issues that arise from things like python. I am trying to learn how to use KALI, watching videos on youtube , and doing some reading, I was attempting to run DNSRECON , its starts off good and then got this error: (i have replaced my domain with xyzxx) Anyone can help????

version is uname -ra = Linux kali-vm 5.9.0-kali1-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 5.9.1-1kali2 (2020-10-29) i686 GNU/Linux

$> dnsrecon -d xyzxx.com -n --lifetime 30 -t std --xml dnsrecon.xml 1 ⨯[*] Performing General Enumeration of Domain:xyzxx.com
[-] DNSSEC is not configured for xyzxx.com[*] SOA cfgserver.xyzxx.local[*] NS spgserver.xyzxx.local[*] NS stlserver.xyzxx.local
[-] Recursion enabled on NS Server
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./dnsrecon.py", line 1691, in <module>
File "./dnsrecon.py", line 1510, in main
std_enum_records = general_enum(res, domain, xfr, bing, yandex, spf_enum, do_whois, do_crt, zonewalk,
File "./dnsrecon.py", line 934, in general_enum
bind_ver = check_bindversion(res, ns_rcrd[2], res._res.timeout)
File "./dnsrecon.py", line 847, in check_bindversion
print_status(f"\t Bind Version for {ns_server} {response.answer[0].items[0].strings[0]}")
KeyError: 0