Is the Nexus 6 still a valid device to install Nethunter and learn on in 2021? I can get a Nexus 6 64GB right now for $65. I don't see many people make posts about the Nexus 6 or having issues running Nethunter, only posts I see are people having issues on other Nexus models in the forums. Only reason I am looking at the Nexus 6 is it shown on Offense's website so one would think it is more or less one of the default devices Nethunter was built around "in a way". Plus they label it as "The most powerful NetHunter device you can get that will still fit in your pocket." which I think is possibly out of date. I am just looking for a device to use that wont have many issues during my learning experience. If the Nexus 6 is purchased are there any issues I should know about or be on the lookout for before hand? Any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks.