* Introduction:
I downloaded the Kali OVA file from https://www.offensive-security.com/k...-030ce714-cc3b and tried to follow these instructions to get it running, however when I try to boot I just get a flashing cursor in the top left. I have virtualization switched on in the BIOS, checked with Task Manager (CPU tab)

* Necessary details:
After a description of your problem you need to provide the necessary details so that people will be able to assist you.
By necessary details I refer to:

  • Kali version 2020.3 64 bit Debian
  • Kali installation VM
  • Basic output of commands
    - Hard to show, as it's not booting.
  • Here's what I get when I hit "e" on the GRUB page, and remove the quiet and splash options...
  • An error message - Nothing that I can see.
  • Links to the same problem - lots of people with similar problems, but I've spent the last couple of hours trying all the solutions I can find.
  • Solutions tried and their result

Tried changing the amount of RAM (higher and lower) as well as CPUs.
Tried making sure PAX/NX is enabled.
Tried all three graphics controller types in Virtual Box - Display settings tab (screen).
Have tried Show Log, after shutting down the VM https://gist.github.com/sbutt/3b3f0a...irtualbox-kali

Hopefully it's something simple that I've missed?
