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Thread: Hard disk not detected

  1. #1
    Join Date

    Hard disk not detected

    Hi !
    So basically my problem is when i come to the partition part of the installation of kali (Graphic Install) only my USB is detected (I'm on a laptop).
    I'm trying a dual boot with windows 10. I picked the recommended version of Bare Metal.

    What I've done already :
    - Create a new partition (80Go)
    - Put the installer ISO to my USB Key with the app RUFUS
    - Disabled Secure Boot and Fast Boot
    - Starting the installation
    - Redownloading the ISO and trying again

    Furthermore I've noticed that at some step it said that I miss multiple "microcode" for the firmware (for the network), I don't know if it's relevant because I just said "no" and I passed the step.

    Sorry for my english and if i'm unclear, please let me know if I should add more information.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Install the Live version instead to your usb flash drive using Rufus. Boot into the live, go into gparted and click on your device and see if the disk has space to be safe. Delete the 80GB partition and don't format it: leave it blank (allocated space) Reboot it and choose the installer mode which will start the installation. Graphic install mode will display the same thing if you were to choose graphic install. If you were to choose the same way to install it, it could work as I have no idea how you format the 80GB. It could just be that 80GB isn't allocated space

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