after I enter the command "apt --fix-broken install" then this message appears, can anyone help me to solved this porblem?
Kali Linux 2010.3 64 bit

Reading changelogs... Done
Extracting templates from packages: 100%
Preconfiguring packages ...
supported-versions: WARNING! Unknown distribution: kali
debian found in ID_LIKE, treating as Debian
supported-versions: WARNING: Unknown Debian release: 2019.3
setting xserver-xorg-legacy/xwrapper/allowed_users from configuration file
dpkg: error: parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 45623 package 'python3-debconf':
end of file during value of field 'Description' (missing final newline)
E: Sub-process dpkg --set-selections returned an error code (2)
E: Couldn't record the approved state changes as dpkg selection states