
If you just so happen to know that urlcrazy is not working.

The workaround is to go the website https://github.com/urbanadventurer/urlcrazy

And key in the terminal with these commands

sudo gem install json colorize async async-dns async-http

To fix urlcrazy.

And it is working.

Use that methods first. If it still giving Ascii error.

Just edit and change to from (which is from /usr/share/urlcrazy/common.missspellings.rb)

[COLOR=var(--color-fg-default)]In [/COLOR]common-misspellings.rb[COLOR=var(--color-fg-default)], change line 17 from:[/COLOR]
[COLOR=var(--color-fg-muted)][COLOR=var(--color-fg-default)]@@file_contents=File.readlines($LOAD_PATH.first + "/common-misspellings.txt").delete_if { |line| line =~ /^#/ or line =~ /^[ ]*$/ }.join

@@file_contents=File.readlines($LOAD_PATH.first + "/common-misspellings.txt", :encoding => 'UTF-8').delete_if { |line| line =~ /^#/ or line =~ /^[ ]*$/ }.join