
I am new here and have no experience with Kali or running a OS over a cloud.

I want to run Kali Cloud and I am looking for ans provider where I can run it for free. Are there at least some Cloud Providers that offer SDK and console so that I can run Kali Cloud on them?

I saw that you need a Kali VM to run Kali Cloud via it. Is that right? In that case would it make much more sense to run only Kali VM on your PC?

At the moment I have pretty much experience on Fedora (mostly 19-21) and some with Ubuntu.

My situation is that after a police raid all my electronic devives are away. God save Google so I could recover all my phone data on my new one and all my files are stored in the cloud and some mobiles, software, series, etc on the raided external HDD/SDD.
Now I only have an old PC running Windows 7 at the moment...

I just need work with Kali. Via Cloud or VM. Double Boot or as main OS are no possibility for me.

So what can you advice me?
1) Free Cloud Provider that runs Kali Cloud
2) User VirtualBox with Kali VM instead
3) Any other suggestions?

with kind regards
Psy Wordex