Quote Originally Posted by Mad Medik View Post
I'm still trying to find a workable solution and just about to throw in the towel on virtualbox. Would appreciate insight from someone successful with macbook.

My system:

MBP Intel 64 bit process
Kali 1.0.6 AMD 64
(4096 MB memory and 20GB vHD expandable given. )
1 CPU given ( vt-x enabled and supposedly default enabled in OSX but no option to add vcpu's seen)
Alfa awus036h

After frustration with VMware, I tried VirtualBox 4.3.6. It seemed to work as expected, but any mitm I tried would slow the network throughout to a crawl. I experimented with both NAT and Bridged connection from the host (OSX). On my network, the host's WiFi (OSX) was steadily over 20mbits down, 10mbits up. I got similar results using alfa and testing within kali on the vbox. Also, browsing the net within kali using the host's connection via eth0 worked fine. But, any attempt to bridge the two resulted in the targets network speed dropping to < 0.2 mbits and getting timeout or unavailable errors on the browser. I assumed it must be a pentest tool configuration error on my part but tried a few established scripts with similar results (easy-creds, subterfuge, and cred harvester).

I decided that running a dual boot instead of a virtual machine might bypass the issue but am still struggling with making Kali bootable on a MBP with reFind.

I'd appreciate a point in the right direction from someone with a successful setup on a macbook pro (VMware/virtualbox/dual boot).



Check the forum thread: https://forums.kali.org/showthread.p...alboot+Macbook