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Thread: WNDA3200 Wifi and Kali Bare Bones

  1. #1
    Join Date

    WNDA3200 Wifi and Kali Bare Bones


    I have been using Kali on Virtualox for a long time without any reall issues, I have a USB WNDA3200 Wifi Adapter whcih connects just fine through VirtualBox and I can use it to run various scans etc.

    Today I decided to Tripple Boot Kali on my MAC which is already dual booting with Windows 10. Installation went fine, and Kali has installed my internal wifi adapter so internet access works.

    However, I cannot for the life of me get it to detect the WNDA3200 when plugged in.

    dmesg shows the adapter without any errors at point of plugging in.

    I have made sure to update firmware-atheros

    but no joy.

    One issue I have with this adapter, when i plug it in to Win10 it detects as a storage device, i eject it from within windows and then it shows up as wifi adapter. Could Kali be doing something similar?

    Has anyone got any ideas how I might be able to get this working?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    The 'feature' your refering too, being first seen as a storage device, could have been an issue previously, due to something called usb_modeswitch however the latest Linux kernels already have built in ub_modeswitch support so it will 'just work' in this respect.

    If dmesg (or lsusb) lists and shows your wifi adapter correctly, then I'm afraid you solution is embarrassingly simple.. click on your network icon top right, ask it to connect to the wireless network your new adapter can see, and install the password when asked.

    Without the WiFi password it will never connect using the new adapter, its a new and quite seperate WiFi connection!

    And yes, I have embarrased myself in this way too lol

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